Friday, August 2, 2013

Roar of a Proud Lion

  The Best and Worst Traits of a Leo


Astrology Definition


Leo - July 23 -August 21

Best Traits:

·         Self-sufficient

·         Determined

·         Charitable

·         Dependable

·         Comforting

Worst Traits:

·         Pompous

·         Dictatorial

·         Theatrical

·         Mulish

·         Egoistic

Leos, in general, do very well in solitude but also love adoring company.  Since they are usually animated and full of light, others are drawn to them like moths to a flame. This is because Leos have a vitality that keeps people coming back for more. 

Leos will show their pouty side, when those around them have failed to give them the respect that they feel they deserve.  Leos tend to have very delicate sensibilities and will cover up any feelings of emotional hurt.  When they start to shy away, let them know that they are an essential part of the world around them and they will recover quickly to again share their bright light.